The wetland equation

Data-Driven Solution for Greenhouse Gas Decision-Making


The webpage “The Wetland Equation on the CO2 Earth” features three interconnected platforms that provide data-driven insights to enhance understanding and decision-making regarding climate change.

The Global CO2 Flux Visualization offers an interactive map experience, illustrating global CO2 dynamics by highlighting seasonal variations and regional differences in emissions and absorption by oceans, plants, and human activities. The Donut Delight platform utilizes an innovative interactive donut chart to visualize the environmental impact of various energy sources, specifically showing the wetland area needed to offset CO2 emissions, thus guiding better energy policy and land use decisions toward renewable sources for carbon neutrality. Lastly, Wetland Wonders is an engaging educational game designed for young explorers, transforming complex scientific data into enjoyable challenges that emphasize the significance of wetlands in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Together, these platforms aim to educate, inspire, and empower both policymakers and the public in addressing climate change.

We transform raw data into insightful visuals! Watch our video that illustrates CO2 flux around the world throughout the year, highlighting seasonal variations and showing how CO2 moves across different regions and impacts ecosystems.

Have fun with our interactive donut chart showing the CO2 emissions equivalent to the wetland area needed! This engaging tool helps policymakers visualize the environmental impact of their land-use choices.

Inspire young minds with our exciting educational resources! Through fun lessons and quizzes, kids will explore the magic of wetlands and learn how they can make a difference for a sustainable future.


We educate about the significance of wetlands and greenhouse gases, equipping government bodies with analytical tools to make informed decisions. Through data visualization and interactive learning experiences, we aim to foster a deeper understanding of these critical environmental issues.

About the team

“We are a team of passionate students dedicated to addressing global warming and environmental protection. Using our skills in data analysis and policy assessment, we aim to provide governments and future decision makers with tools for making well-informed decisions, understanding the consequences of their actions, and optimizing policies for risk and cost management.”

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